Stäng X

Important Info


Dear Shareholders of Cassandra,

We are writing to inform you about the ongoing integration following Cassandra’s agreement with Nexergy Holdings PLC, which was finalized several months ago. As part of this agreement, shares in Nexergy Holdings PLC will be distributed to all Cassandra shareholders.

To receive accurate information about your shares and stay updated on developments at Nexergy, each shareholder must contact Nexergy directly either by email (ir@nexergyholding.com) or phone (+44 20 3687 0526). It is crucial that you make contact with Nexergy to ensure clear communication and take full advantage of your new status as a Nexergy shareholder.

Please note that Cassandra will not be able to assist you in this communication process. It is your responsibility to establish and maintain contact with Nexergy to secure your ownership.

If your shares in Cassandra are trustee registered with your bank or another institution, you must inform your bank to provide Cassandra with complete information about the trustee-registered ownership. This will ensure that you receive your shares in Nexergy without any issues.

Due to GDPR regulations, we have not been able to store detailed information about Cassandra AB shareholders beyond what is recorded in the official shareholder register at Euroclear. The information provided by Euroclear includes names, addresses, and the number of shares, but does not include phone numbers or email addresses. This limitation has made the process of locating all Cassandra AB shareholders more complex.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in updating your contact details. Nexergy is looking forward to sending out your new share certificates as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Cassandra AB

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COPYRIGHT 2017 Cassandra Oil AB